
“For advisers interested in staying ahead of the technology curve, Drucker and Bruckenstein’s book should be regarded as required reading.”

by Bruce Colin, CFP®
Journal of Financial Planning

Technology Tools for Today's High Margin Practicebook_practice.png

The revised edition of the “bible” of practice management and technology, serves up a nontechnical trove of technology, clever workarounds, and procedural efficiencies tailored to help financial advisors in private practice move toward today's virtual office. The authors show you how to drastically reduce the paperwork in your office, slash overhead, and find anything you need in seconds using the latest software.

This revised edition includes new information on SaaS and cloud computing, software integrations, mobile devices/apps, social media tools, portfolio accounting and outsourcing, collaborative tools, digital signatures, workflow management, marketing technology and much more.

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​​Tools and Techniques of Practice Managementbook_practice.png

In today's increasingly competitive marketplace, fine-tuning your practice management skills is a necessity while allowing more time to cultivate new business and focus on clients. The authors deliver practical insight into selecting a business model as well as the advantages and disadvantages of relevant topics including owning a practice.

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