
Quovo Now a Provider in Schwab Performance Technologies' Open-Architecture Interface for Financial Professionals

Data Service to Help Independent Financial Advisors and Investment Managers More Intelligently Aggregate Held-Away Accounts

Quovo, the leading financial data science company that addresses the needs of the wealth management industry, today announced that they have become a Schwab Performance Technologies®' (SPT) third-party data aggregation provider.

Quovo Integrates with Advyzon

Will Demo Enhanced Technology Hub at T3 Advisor Conference

Quovo, a provider of account aggregation, normalization and data analysis solutions for financial institutions and investors, today announced its integration with technology hub Advyzon from yHLsoft, Inc.

Founded in 2012, Advyzon is an inclusive, scalable, cloud-based service that helps financial advisors grow their business efficiently and profitably. It includes client relationship management (CRM), portfolio management/performance reporting, monitoring, investment planning, and business intelligence.

Quovo Account Aggregation Now Offered by Orion Advisor Services

Proprietary Technology Provides Greater Depth and Reliability

Quovo, a provider of account aggregation, normalization and data analysis solutions for financial institutions and investors, today announced its integration with the Orion Advisor Services platform. “With easier to use, more reliable data management features and flexible, tiered pricing based on numbers of accounts synced per advisor, account aggregation will be accessible to a broader population of Orion advisors than ever before,” said Quovo’s chief executive officer Lowell Putnam.

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