Sid Yenamandra

Entreda Enters Relationship With Scottrade® Advisor Services On Cybersecurity Compliance Automation

Entreda’s Unify Software Offered to Financial Advisors using the Scottrade® Advisor Services Platform

Entreda today announced that it entered into a relationship with Scottrade® Advisor Services to make Entreda’s Unify cybersecurity policy enforcement software and services available to advisors using Scottrade Advisor Services as a custodian. Under the new agreement, the two companies will offer cybersecurity best practice webinars to advisors using Scottrade Advisor Services, who will now be eligible for discounted pricing on Entreda’s Unify software that automates cybersecurity and compliance with SEC/FINRA regulations.

Lax Data Security and Mobile Misuse Puts Financial Firms at Risk

Entreda Co-Founders Provide Advice at FINRA/SIFMA Cybersecurity and T3 Technology Conferences

Today's increasingly mobile world is creating a more complicated risk management scenario for financial advisors and independent broker/dealers. Unless managed carefully, advisor use of apps and end devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers can put financial firms at risk. Entreda co-founders Sid Yenamandra and Farshad Ghaffari have been on the road, helping to educate financial advisors and allied institutions about problems and solutions.

Entreda Introduces Unify for Financial Advisors to Automate it Security and Compliance

Delivers enterprise-class security, peace of mind and the flexibility to work from anywhere

Entreda announced the availability of its Unify for Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) service platform. Developed specifically to meet the needs of financial advisors, Unify for RIAs provides the highest standards of security to protect client information and assets while greatly reducing the time and effort needed to achieve technology compliance.

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