Laserfiche Connector “Makes FinTech Integrations a Breeze”

During a panel discussion on “What’s New in Enterprise Content Management Software” at the T3 Advisor Conference, Laserfiche will discuss its newest release: Laserfiche Connector, a simple, code-free way to integrate other applications with Laserfiche.

Joel Bruckenstein, Founder and Publisher of Technology Tools for Today, said, “Laserfiche Connector is perhaps the most important enhancement that Laserfiche has ever made available to financial advisors. It allows you to pull up all Laserfiche information in another application with one click. No coding is required, which makes FinTech integrations a breeze. This is perfect for CRM integration, but its potential uses extend well beyond that. This could be a real game changer for both existing Laserfiche customers, as well as other advisors who are looking for a robust ECM provider.”

With Laserfiche Connector, users can:

  • Search the Laserfiche repository based on fields from primary applications such as CRM and ERP systems.
  • Scan a page, automatically populate metadata and store it in Laserfiche—directly from their primary application.
  • Connect two applications by allowing one of them to start the other (including the ability to pass parameters between them).

Laserfiche Connector has confirmed compatibility with a number of CRM applications, including Junxure, Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics.

The “What’s New in Enterprise Content Management Software” panel discussion at #T32015 will take place on Saturday, February 14, at 11:10 am. Before that, attend “The Final Mile in Financial Services Technology” at 8:50 am to hear how Hanson McClain has integrated Laserfiche with Tamarac and DocuSign to automate the account opening process.

Laserfiche will also host a pre-conference session titled, “The Big Five Trends Impacting Advisors Today” at 1:30 pm on Thursday, February 12. The pre-conference session will explore how social, mobile, cloud, compliance and robo-advisor technologies are transforming the wealth management industry.

About Laserfiche
Based in Long Beach, CA, with global headquarters in Hong Kong and offices in Shanghai, Toronto, Mexico, London, Washington, D.C., and Fort Lauderdale, FL, Laserfiche uses its Run Smarter® philosophy to create simple and elegant enterprise content management (ECM) solutions. Since 1987, more than 34,000 organizations worldwide—including numerous financial advisors and broker-dealers—have used Laserfiche® software to streamline document, records and business process management.

By digitizing paper archives, Laserfiche enables financial services professionals to find what they need in seconds, quickly prepare for audits and make better-informed decisions. Secure web access enables information sharing with remote offices, business partners and clients, while comprehensive security options ensure compliance with government- and industry-mandated standards.

For more information, visit Read the Laserfiche ECM Blog at and follow Laserfiche on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+.

Laserfiche®, Run Smarter® and Compulink® are registered trademarks of Compulink Management Center, Inc.


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