Orion & Hiddenlevers Complete Integration During Fuse Hackathon

Orion Advisor Services, LLC (Orion) an accounting service provider for investment advisors, now offers deep integration between its reporting software and the HiddenLevers portfolio stress testing platform. Financial advisors using Orion can import accounts directly into HiddenLevers, and use the stress testing tools to help clients understand risk/reward trade-offs, showcase hedging strategies, and step up their overall practice.

“We’ve been working diligently to enhance Orion’s user interface into a truly modern experience for advisors by introducing an interface reminiscent of smartphone home screens,” said Eric Clarke, President and CEO of Orion. “HiddenLevers fits perfectly into that new vision, as they represent Web 3.0 for advisors, in both functionality and visual appeal, and we are glad to have them as an adopter of our new interface.”

With markets at highs and fears of a correction, financial advisors using Orion Advisor Services can access HiddenLevers to model scenarios like Rising Interest Rates, Middle East TurmOIL, and Global Deflation. The single sign-on integration allows Orion users who subscribe to HiddenLevers to import their account positions into the HiddenLevers cloud-based software. Once there, they can visualize market beta risk, showcase hedging options, and provide an interactive experience for clients.

Orion Fuse 2014 Hackathon
Orion invited HiddenLevers to participate in Fuse, its inaugural developers retreat in the Utah Mountains. This weekend hackathon brought together top developers of the industry’s best tech companies to get inspired and quickly hammer out new ideas.

“It was awesome to be up in the mountains dreaming up new functionality together,” said Suhail Ali, HiddenLevers integrations ace. “We started with our data integration and built a single sign-on in 22 hours. Mad props to Orion for bringing us together.”

About HiddenLevers
HiddenLevers is quickly becoming the premier portfolio stress testing solution for both portfolio managers and financial advisors everywhere. The cloud-based platform includes a library of macro scenario research, portfolio stress testing, risk profiles for portfolios, automated risk monitoring, and thoughtful client-facing output. HiddenLevers is based in New York City. 

About Orion Advisor Services, LLC
Orion Advisor Services, LLC is the premier portfolio accounting service provider for advisors. The firm has unique insights into the advisory profession because it was founded for investment advisors by investment advisors in 1999. Orion frees advisors from back-office tedium so they can enjoy their business again by devoting their time and energy to better serving clients. Orion provides the integrated and fully customizable technology solutions that advisors need to grow their businesses over the long term. The firm's technology solutions empower more than 450 advisory firms with total assets under administration in excess of $165 billion from more than 745,000 individual accounts.

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